Our Mission
The Waterville Area Soup Kitchen provides nourishing meals and connections to community resources in a welcoming environment.
The Waterville Area Soup Kitchen operates The Lighthouse, a dining place at 38 College Avenue in Waterville.
Guests are invited to enjoy a tasty, nutritious meal and an opportunity for socialization every Monday through Friday.
Volunteers at the Lighthouse prepare and dish up a variety of appetizing menu items every Monday through Friday from 11:20 until 12:30.
Guests are welcome to arrive at 8:00 to meet with friends, have a light breakfast, and enjoy coffee!
Follow our Facebook page for the daily lunch menu, posted at 4am every morning. We also publish pictures, positive posts, updates, and more!
Our Guests & Visitors
We have a non-judgmental environment. We serve every guest and visitor that comes in with an open and welcoming attitude.
Who are our guests and visitors? They are
~ Senior Citizens (retired, grandfathers, grandmothers)
~ Veterans (all branches)
~ Disabled (physical, intellectual)
~ Students (college, high school, children)
~ Family member or neighbor who picks up meal(s) to take home to their family member(s) or neighbor(s) who are unable to travel for various reasons.
~ Working Families (struggling with rising costs)
~ Underemployed
~ Unemployed
~ Underhoused
~ Homeless
~ Unsheltered